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 Value for Money  5.0
 Rooms  5.0
 Cleanliness  5.0
 Location  2.0
 Security & Safety  5.0
 Service & Staff  5.0
 Food / Dining  4.0
 Total  4.4

"La Meridiana"

User Rating:  4.4
Reviewer:   Amber C. of Hanover MD, United States
Reviewed:   August 24, 2009  (see hostel reviews from
Traveled:   August 2009     Type:   Youth/Student
1 2 3 4 5
 Value for Money
 Security & Safety
 Service & Staff
 Food / Dining
Comments  (English):
Very cute bed and breakfast. Well decorated and clean rooms and bathrooms. The host couple was so friendly and genuinely welcoming and accomodating. However, the location is pretty remote unless you have a car. It is basically unwalkable to the beach, so unless you have your own method of transportation, access to the city is very difficult.

1 - 1 of 1 review

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