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 Value for Money  4.0
 Rooms  4.0
 Cleanliness  4.0
 Location  5.0
 Security & Safety  3.0
 Service & Staff  3.0
 Food / Dining  2.0
 Total  3.8

"Beds & Roses"

User Rating:  3.8
Reviewer:   Nofar K. of Yehud, Israel
Reviewed:   October 20, 2008  (see hostel reviews from
Traveled:   October 2008     Type:   Couple
1 2 3 4 5
 Value for Money
 Security & Safety
 Service & Staff
 Food / Dining
Comments  (English):
Well, the name of the hostel is quite accurate. The main features of the hostel are the double bed, and the various roses that are scattered around the room.
The location of the hostel is perfect. Walking distance from all of the main sites in Budapest. Actually, besides taking the tram from the airport to the hostel, and from the hostel the the car rental agency, my wife and I didn't use any kind of public transportation in the city.
All in all, if your main goal is to tour the city with your partner/s, the Beds & Roses hostel provides a simple, nice place to sleep for a small price.

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